Infrastructure certificate for system identification

A system identity or inter-system infrastructure certificate is used to ensure secure and reliable data transmission between information systems.

Infrastructure certificate

  • provides system-to-system level authentication;
  • complies with the x.509 certificate standard;
  • valid for two years.


Unlike self-signed certificates, LVRTC provides independent management of the lifecycle of infrastructure certificates, ensuring the use of multiple levels of certification authorities. This means that in the issuance of certificates, a root certification institution and its subordinate issuing institutions are used, similar to other physical and legal person certificates issued by LVRTC.


What is necessary to start using?

  1. Create a legal entity profile at and fill out the service order form for Infrastructure certificate, indicating what you want to integrate, attach certificate request file;
  2. Sign a contract for the service usage and make a payment;
  3. After signing the contract and payment, a certificate will be issued;
  4. Integrate the solution into the client's systems.

The cost of issuing an infrastructure (authentication) certificate is 172.47 EUR (excluding VAT).