Guidelines for electronic identification and Remote signing integration (Integration platform)


Those guidelines are intended for LVRTC partners who want to integrate in their solution LVRTC provided electronic identification and remote signature signing with keys operated by LVRTC on behalf of end-user protected by eParaksts mobile authentication mobile application. The primary audience is developers and system architects.

Terms and Abbreviations

Term, AbbreviationExplanation
APIApplication Programming Interface
base64A group of binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation.
eIDASThe European Parliament and of the Council of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 “On electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EK”, on July 23 2014.
end-userSubscriber of LVRTC provided electronic identification and electronic signature services. Manages LVRTC issued smartcard and/or eID card and/or eParaksts mobile with related signing identity.
GETHTTP request method
hashOne-way repeatable mathematical data transformation that identifies a raw data set with a fixed length symbol string.
HTTPHyper Text Transport Protocol
HTTPSHyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
Integration platformLVRTC provided platform – acting as Identity and electronic signature services provider
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
LVRTCLV – VAS „Latvijas Valsts radio un televīzijas centrs”
EN – State Joint stock company “Latvian State Radio and Television Centre”
OAuth2.0User authentication and authorization standard
PAdESPDF advanced electronic signature/seal standard
PDFPortable Document Format
PINPersonal identification number
PKCS #1Public-Key Cryptography Standard describing usage of RSA in electronic signature.
POSTHTTP request method
Service providerExternal service provider who integrates with "Integration platform" and receives electronic identification and remote signing services
sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512Hash algorithms.
SSOSingle Sign-On
URLUniform Resource Locator
UTF-8Text encoding
XAdESXML advanced electronic signature/seal standard
XMLExtensible Markup Language