Electronic Signature Provider API

The Electronic signature API generates digital signatures (PKCS #1) with the signing identities managed by the platform.

Obtain Signing Identity Information

There is two types of signing identity, one for electronic signing and one for authentication


GET /trustedx-resources/esigp/v1/sign_identities/{sign_identity_id}


The request must contain a bearer access token generated by a trusted authorization server of the service from which the information on the signing identity is requested and that is associated to the domain to which the identity belongs. This token must be used as explained in RFC 6750. It must have the urn:safelayer:eidas:sign:identity:profile scope.

Basically, the token must be included in an HTTP Authorization header as follows:

Authorization: Bearer <token>

The access token can be obtained via an authorization code grant or Service provider's credentials grant OAuth 2.0 flow.


GET /trustedx-resources/esigp/v1/sign_identities/12345678 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM


Response body representation in JSON as follows

 "id" : {string},
 "self" : {string},
 "description" : {string},
 "labels" : [ {string} ],
 "type" : {string},
 "device_id" : {string},
 "domain" : {string},
 "access" : [ {
     "user_id" : {string}
 } ]
 "details" : {
      "certificate" : {string},
      "activation_mode": {string},
      "public_key" : {string}
 "links" :  {
      <operation_alias> : {
           "auth" : {
               "oauth2": {
                  "scopes": [ {string} ]
 "status" : {
    "value" : {string},
    "reason" : {string}
idIdentifier of the signing identity.
selfAccess URL for the signing identity.
descriptionDescription of the signing identity.
labels[ ]List of tags associated to the signing identity.
typeType of signing identity. This property currently always takes the pki:x509 value.
device_idDevice where the private part of the keys associated to the signing identity is located. Only the signing identities on mobile devices have this property.
domainDomain the signing identity belongs to.
access[ ]Information on access control to the signing identity.
access[ ].user_idIdentifier of a end-user with access to the signing identity.
detailsDetails for implementing the signing identity.
details.certificateX.509 certificate encoded in DER and base64. Only pki:x509 signing identities have this property.
details.activation_modeActivation mode of the signing identity. Only server signing identities have this property and it can take the following values:

"hsm-pwd": the signature identity is activated by a password entered by the owner and validated by the HSM.
details.public_keyPublic part of the keys associated to the signing identity. PublicKeyInfo ASN.1 structure encoded in DER and base64. Only pki:x509 signing identities have this property.
linksInformation on operations that use the signing identity.
links.<operation_alias>Information on the <operation_alias> operation regarding the use of the signing identity. Currently the only value possible for <operation_alias> is Signatures.create.server.raw
links.<operation_alias>.authAuthorization information on the <operation_alias> operation regarding the use of the signing identity.
links.<operation_alias>.auth.oauth2OAuth 2.0 authorization information on the <operation_alias> operation regarding the use of the signing identity.
links.<operation_alias>.auth.oauth2.scopes[ ]Set of OAuth 2.0 scopes required for accessing the <operation_alias> operation so that this operation can use the signing identity.
statusInformation on the status of the signing identity.
status.valueStatus of the signing identity.

"enabled": The signing identity is enabled.
"disabled": The signing identity is disabled.
"locked": The signing identity is locked.
status.reasonReason why the signing identity is in its current state. This property is optional and is normally used to indicate why a signing identity has been locked or disabled.


For receiving signing certificate, labels array shall contain serverid tag.

For receiving authentication certificate, labels array shall contain mobileid tag.

Create a Digital Signature on the Server


Creates a digital signature (PKCS #1) of data using a signing identity on server. As input, the hash of the data or a byte string to be signed raw can be received.

The signature is created with the signing identity on server specified in the request. This identity must belong to the end-user on behalf of whom the operation is performed.


POST /trustedx-resources/esigp/v1/signatures/server/raw

Content-Type Header

Content-Type: application/json


 "digest_value" : {string},
 "signature_algorithm" : {string},
 "sign_identity_id" : {string}
digest_valueHash of the data to be signed encoded in base64.
signature_algorithmAlgorithm that must be used to generate the digital signature (rsa-sha1, rsa-sha256, rsa-sha384, rsa-sha512 and ecdsa). Signature algorithm choice must be based on key algorithm found in clients certificate.
sign_identity_idIdentifier of the signing identity that must be used for generating the signature (it must be a server signing identity that belongs to the end-user on behalf of whom the signature is performed).


POST /trustedx-resources/esigp/v1/signatures/server/raw
Host: eidas.eparaksts.lv
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer cbc...6daf
Content-Length: 213
   "digest_value" : "n4bQgYhMfWWaL+qgxVrQFaO/TxsrC4Is0V1sFbDwCgg",
   "signature_algorithm" : "rsa-sha256",
   "sign_identity_id" : "nio...omq"


Response contains the binary value of the PKCS #1 signature.


If you are using Sign API service, PKCS#1 shall be base64 encoded (hexToBase64)

Create a Digital Signature Batch on the Server


Creates a batch of digital signatures from the hashes of the data to be signed using a server signing identity.

The signature is created with the signing identity on server specified in the request. This identity must belong to the end-user on behalf of whom the operation is performed.


This method can be used for single signing as well. Main differences: Batch method response with base64 encoded Signed data, but single signing method response with PKCS#1 raw signature.


POST /trustedx-resources/esigp/v1/signatures/server/raw/batch

Content-Type Header

Content-Type: application/json


    "sign_identity_id" : {string},
    "signature_algorithm" : {string},
    "requests" : [
            "digest_value" : {string},
            "signature_algorithm" : {string}
sign_identity_idIdentifier of the signing identity that must be used for generating the signature (it must be a server signing identity that belongs to the end-user on behalf of whom the signature is performed).
signature_algorithmAlgorithm for obtaining the cryptographic hashes to be used for generating the signatures (rsa-sha1, rsa-sha256, rsa-sha384 and rsa-sha512) if no other algorithm is specified for each of them.
requests[ ]Information on the cryptographic hashes to be used for generating the signatures.
requests[ ].digest_valueBase64 encoding of the cryptographic hash used to generate the signatures.
requests[ ].signature_algorithmAlgorithm that must be used to generate the digital signature (rsa-sha1, rsa-sha256, rsa-sha384, rsa-sha512 and ecdsa). Signature algorithm choice must be based on key algorithm found in clients certificate.

Access Control

The request must contain a bearer access token generated by a trusted authorization server associated to the domain of the signing identity to be used for generating the signature. This token must have a scope that includes the value configured for the signing identity (by default, urn:safelayer:eidas:sign:identity:use:server) and must be used as explained in RFC 6750. Basically, the token must be included in an Authorization header as follows:

Authorization: Bearer <token>

The access token must be obtained via an authorization code grant OAuth 2.0 flow.


POST /trustedx-resources/esigp/v1/signatures/server/raw/batch
Host: eidas.eparaksts.lv
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer cbc...6daf
Content-Length: 213
    "sign_identity_id": "12345678",
    "signature_algorithm": "rsa-sha1",
    "requests": [
            "digest_value": "RXN0byBlcyB1biBoYXNoIFNoYTE=",
            "signature_algorithm": "rsa-sha1"
            "digest_value": "siHZ27CDp/M0KNfCo8MZiuklYU1wIQ4ocWzKp81N23k",
            "signature_algorithm": "rsa-sha256"



    "signatures" : [ {string} ]
signatures[]Digital signatures encoded in base64. The signatures follow the same order as the cryptographic hashes from which they were created appear in the request.