Client side Browser plugin / extension

For "eParaksts Token Signing" functionality, a custom plugin/Extension must be installed on the end user's computer for browsers that communicate with the smart card.

End user plugin/extension installation are distributed with eParakstītājs 3.0 software package

Using the JavaScript API function getBackendInfo, it is possible to determine the state of the installed plugin/extension. In situations where the plugin/extension is not installed or its version is out of date.

JavaScript API (HWCrypto)

JavaScript API (HWCrypto) consists of three files:

  • eparaksts-hwcrypto.js – main functions;
  • eparaksts-hwcrypto-legacy.js – additional functionality to provide compatibility with IE8+;
  • eparaksts-jquery.js – additional compatibility functions.

JavaScript API functions


Returns information about end user plugin/extension

Promise window.eparakstshwcrypto.getBackendInfo()


Returns the Promise object that corresponds to the BackendInfo data type.

Expected errors:

  • technical_error.


See section JavaScript API Error Handling.


Prompts the user to select a certificate from the list of available certificates. Connection to a browser plugin/extension that allows certificate data to be read from the user's smart card.

Promise window.eparakstshwcrypto.getCertificate(object options)


optionsobjectnoConditions for certificate selection.
langstringnoPreferred user interface language (ISO-639-1 code).

Supported languages:
en - English (default value);
lv - Latvian;
ru - Russian.

The user interface language is not fully affected because
the language used can be determined by the operating system or browser.
operationstringnoType of operation:
sign - document signing (signing certificate will be returned) (default value);
auth - user authentication (authentication certificate will be returned)

Returns the Promise object that corresponds to the Certificate data type.

Expected errors:

  • no_implementation;
  • no_certificates;
  • user_cancel;
  • technical_error.


See section JavaScript API Error Handling.


Requires the user to sign the prepared HASH value (signable data for example). Connection to a browser plugin/extension that provides signing on the user's smart card.

Promise window.eparakstshwcrypto.sign(object certificate, object hash, object options)


PropertyObject propertiesTypeMandatoryDescription
certificateobjectyesCertificate to use the corresponding private key for signing. An object corresponding to the Certificate data type was obtained using the getCertificate function.
hashobjectyesPrepared signable HASH value
typestringyesThe value of the type field is not interpreted, but it is
saved for backwards compatibility. In all cases
it is recommended to use the constant "SHA"
hexstringyesSignable HASH value in HEX encoding.*

* or in case of multiple document (batch) signing, signable HASH values must be included in JSON object, which contains one or more "key:value" pairs, where:
"key" - signed document identifier;
"value" - Signable HASH value in HEX encoding
optionsobjectnoSigning conditions
langstringnoPreferred user interface language (ISO-639-1 code).

Supported languages:
en - English (default value);
lv - Latvian;

The user interface language is not fully affected because
the language used can be determined by the operating system or browser.
operationstringnoType of operation:
sign - document signing (default value);
auth - user authentication
infostringnoInformative text (document title, transaction amount, etc.).

Returns the Promise object that corresponds to the Signature data type.

Expected errors:

  • no_implementation;
  • invalid_argument;
  • user_cancel;
  • technical_error;
  • pin_blocked.


See section JavaScript API Error Handling.

Data Types


Contains information about the end user plugin/extension installed in the browser.


typestringPlugin/extension type:

- NO_IMPLEMENTATION - Plugin/extension is blocked or not installed
- FAILING_CHROME - Plugin/extension is not working, end user must enable plugin/extension and restart browser
- FAILING_NPAPI - Plugin/extension is not working, end user must enable plugin/extension and restart browser
- Plugin/extension name - Plugin/extension is working. Plugin/extension version is additionally available.
versionstringPlugin/extension version


Contains X509 certificate data.


encodedUint8ArrayThe binary value of the certificate in DER encoding.
hexstringThe value of the certificate in HEX encoding. (Optional)


Contains signed data.


hexstringSigned data in HEX encoding.*

*If request contains "JSON" type,
signed data are included in JSON object, which contains one or more "key:value" pairs, where:
"key" - signed document identifier;
"value" - signed data in HEX encoding.

The order in which the "key:value" pairs are returned may not be identical to the order in which the signature request was built.